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Use the tabbed options below to engage in research in Marketing

Additional Marketing & Advertising Resources

These external resources may be useful for your research in Marketing:

  • Ad Council: An American non-profit that produces, organizes, and distributes public service announcements on behalf of government and non-government organizations.
  • Duke University Libraries Digital Collection: contains a collection of digitized American advertisements
  • ClickZ: A resource of interactive marketing news, information, commentary, advice, opinion, research, and reference
  • Millennial Media: An independent mobile marketplace with consumer mobile behavior research
  • IAB Insights and Research: The Interactive Advertising Bureau provides information for industries marketing in the digital economy.
  • MRI+Focusing on print media, create lists of newspapers and magazines of interest then collect data on their ad rates.

American Consumer Behavior

​Below are links to information provided by the United States Department of Labor regarding how Americans spend their time, money, and how much they earn.